Sunday, April 25, 2010

Half Post

As Elias came up from his bow, he gave an exaggerated wink to Megan. “Ahh, such a delight to behold in the morning, or at any hour I’m sure, oh and Juliet, do give my apologies to your brother, I fear that he must have given up on me this morning. For when I reached the stables his horse was already gone. I waited several minutes to see if I could see him, but alas-” and Elias held his hands before him in helpless surrender.

Julie crossed her arms and clenched her jaw as she regarded the fool Elias. How dare he behave this way toward her friend. Susie was one thing, she fell in and out of love several times a week. Megan was different, she was not as accustomed to how Elias embellished and fawned over the fairer sex. Julie was unable to safely respond, so she quietly and angrily kept her mouth shut.

Elias easily dismounted, seemingly not noticing Julies silence, once again turned his attention to the ever blushing Megan. “Megan, I was hopeful beyond reason to see you here this morning. I would be most pleased if you would consent to a midmorning walk with me. I am bound for the Sanders’ to deliver a parcel on behalf of my father. Please, say you’ll come with me.”

Megan’s smile grew as Elias continued to speak, and Julie could only look on in horror. Megan looked as if she were about to accept his offer. Surely Megan was only responding out of kindness, or out of some misplaced need to try and befriend every town member. Megan must know that this silver-tongued serpent, this miserable wretch, could have nothing but inane and empty words to bore her with. Julie’s mouth flew open of its own accord.
“Oh, Elias, surely you must be joking,” Julies disbelief was evident, and she found that she had a confused Elias now looking at her, as well as a shocked Megan.